Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Lil Wayne's Rebirth. Review.

Well, here it is. Leaked a bit early is Lil Wayne's attempt at being a rock star. The songs are all over YouTube, so check them out there if you need a listen for yourself.

It's no Appetite For Destruction, but Lil Wayne does show some artistic creativity on this rock/rap album.

The self-proclaimed "best rapper alive" picks up a guitar and possibly a bass for this crossover album. Heavily laced with auto-tune, Rebirth is an interesting album to listen to. This album provides a couple of good songs with rap lyrics in a rock style format, by that I mean Wayne is basically singing/rapping about things he would usually rap about in any of his other albums. Lil Wayne runs into some trouble when attempting to sing, and make a "ballad" but we'll talk about that later.

The album is not Lil Wayne's best work, but does provide some listenable songs to those who enjoy experimental rock/hip-hop fusions. I would suggest bypassing the already released "Prom Queen" and "Hot Revolver" for more interesting tracks like "American Star" and "Paradise." There is some decent guitar work on the album, most likely not played by Wayne himself, but fun to get into.

With this album, the best tracks are the ones in which Wayne decides to rap over some sweet beats and guiar riffs. When Wayne does this, the tracks have energy and are enjoyable. "Drop the World" which features Eminem, is a great example of his rapping ability over a rock-like track. There is little to no auto-tune on this track, just straight Wayne lyrical madness and a bit of Slim Shady.

The downside of the album has to do with the few tracks in which bad attempts at auto-tuned singing ruin some of the great rap songs. The heavy auto-tune makes some tracks difficult to understand and to listen to. Lil Wayne attempts to create ballads, something he does not do very well. The song "Die for you" is a prime example of this.

Overall, I'm going to give this album a C. The tracks which Lil Wayne raps on, are great to listen to because they bring the energy of a rock riff behind them. But, Wayne ultimatley misses on his attempts to sing on certain tracks.

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